
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Adventures in Road Racing (The so far in January 2012 edition)

So yes you got me and road racing is a big part of my life. However the first weekend of January might have been the most interesting weekend of running in my life.

It first starts off at the Resolution to Kick Cancer. I actually had my best race I have had in a really long time and was just a few seconds from breaking my 5k record. That being said I went looking for my friend James at about the 40 minute mark of the race (18 minutes after I had finished). Walking towards this finish line I ended up watching a guy as he was coming up on the finish line. He looked more in place at a phish concert and not a road race but still. He was at the finish line when he had lost his footing and then the cartwheel faceplant.

The next day I did the Winter Challenge up Winter Hill and through Somerville. It was less than eventful running time wise and I felt worn down from the previous day. However, during the middle of the race and turning onto Medford street and off of Lowell street there was a lady who was yelling out "my baby, my baby!" It seemed ironic until I looked behind me to see a car that looked to be driving slowly in the opposite direction. A. Car had baby in it. B. No one was driving it. So another runner and I worked to stop this moving car. He got in the car and somehow stopped it while not in park While I pushed to make sure it would stop rolling. After the woman said her husband was coming I decided to bolt because I was doing a race!

Monday I needed to get another long run in so I did the 6.5 at the Lululemon run in Boston. On Mass Ave close to the end there are two guys in the middle of the street in a shouting match. I mean one of the most traffic filled roads in the middle of Boston and here is two idiots about to fist fight.

Fast forward to this past Sunday. Doing my long run of 13 miles for the week when 1/2 of a mile from the end I run in between what seems to be two girls yelling at each other on Broadway Ave in Somerville. I was expecting to see a slap fight but then again when I hear the word cops I think it is time to walk away. I don't have time to waist in court for other peoples stupid disputes.

Now come to February and I can say that I have put in about 100 miles of running for January and even more. More stories? Maybe. We'll see what life brings. As for now my body has a date with Miss Misery.

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