
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


So another holiday trip to Sparkle City S.C. is in the books. I can say I had an unhealthy diet and I feel like a whale but at the same time I am starting to question a lot of things. I guess there is that fear that I don't know what the future holds but in some ways I do. I know that my parents are not going to be around forever. They are both at the median age of 70. I'm concerned as to what happens once they are gone. Of course Spartanburg is home originally but ........

I realize now that I have been lazy and I haven't blogged in over a month. I'll do better. I promise. I blame the holidays.



Monday, December 12, 2011

The spirits that guide your way!

Last Wednesday I had a wonderful opportunity to meet and get to know the race director for the Cambridge 5k. Somehow this was familiar territory of where I had been. Seeing that most of the shoots were done in Cambridge (well all really) it felt oddly familiar and maybe symbolic that we would do the shoot in Niketown. See, Niketown is where I first found out about TMIRCE . If it hadn't been for a woman named Pauline I would have never known about it. I remember going and meeting a few people right off the bat then roughly a year later I met more people who would later become some of my closest and favorite friends in Boston.

How did I end up doing Niketown? Well there was a running crush that I had who might have announced this run to me. I can't remember for sure but I know she was there. At least for two weeks and then she disappeared. I had ran with her for the first time at the Burren prior to that and had met her previous through a mutual friend. The reason that I mention here (anonymously I must add). It is because somehow her calming force and being always seemed to make me feel better. I had ran with her the day after I had broken up with a girlfriend for good. A day that I was so nauseated and sleepless that I took a personal day from work. At the end of the day though and after her being at running club at the Burren I felt better. I felt ready to take on the world. I can't say that I have seen her in a year and a half at least but there is always ways to keep in touch with people. Facebook! Yeah it seems kitschy and dumb but you know how I found out about the Cambridge 5k? She originally posted it on her wall. I found out about it and then found out there was a team competition as well. I knew that TMIRCE had to get involved. And now with their second race it seems that over half of our club is running and is gunning to take Team Race Menu down at Yulefest. Would this have happened if I would have not see the link to the Cambridge 5k on her page? I don't know. Maybe this was meant to happen and somehow me seeing this on her page set a spark. Can I say for sure? No. But I am feeling positive that if it wasn't for her then maybe the support that TMIRCE has given to this race may not have happened. I wouldn't have found a race director who I have seen as a nicer and kinder person than any other race director I have ever known.

Even though these spirits are people I haven't seen in a year. Their actions and invites have led me to places I would have never known about and things that I have achieved in my personal life. They led me to Niketown to a photo shoot that had more symbolic meaning than anyone could ever imagine. It is where I first found out about TMIRCE, the club I will run for Sunday!

Thank you my running spirits and to you I say goodnight!

P.S. I hear Mr Bivins playing melodica in the background!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

"That's just the way he lives!"

The Apartment search of 2011 was not as eventful as the apartment search of 2009. Somehow this time everything seemed like it would work out. I liked the second place I saw and the first place was with my current roommate. The first place was small and the shower head came to my lips. Not good unless you're a little person. Regardless lets move forward to the apartment on Summer street in Somerville. I didn't know what to think because the voice was super shaky. But, I need a place to live so I will check i out. After viewing a somewhat messy apartment I figured to keep looking.

What I found was a nightmare. I went in it smelled like 3 day old pot. Smelled like that faint smell that will never go away. I meet with him and the live in girlfriend. They were kind of befuddled I was there. I was set to meet with the people in the apartment at 6:30 on Friday. I knew from the smell I wasn't going to live there but I can't be a jerk about things. I meet the potential roommate who is around 30 and half of his teeth have rotted out. I go in and view the room. Not what I am looking for. However, he shows me the porch and no less than six inches there is a chair in front of the door. I think common knowledge of placing things would make you believe that the chair should have been placed over to the side. Not this guy. His exact words when I make a comment about the chair, "That's just the way he lives!" . So we view the rest of the house and the more famous words I remember from him at the end was "You know we just hang out, smoke a little pot." Not interested. Here goes the apartment search of 2009 all over again.

On the walk back on the bike path to a place called will I get a text message: "The apartment has been taken. Would you be into us getting a two bedroom like before? Maybe in JP?" His apartment was taken and we ended up with a place together but not JP. These are the things that are called fate!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hey, Did you ever hear of Craigslist?

If this is hard to read then here is what it says:

"I am rent 1 room 5 minutes the davis square $450 it is close to the Tufts campus

Awesome guy, You made a hand written sign and put it on a post in the square. Not to mention that you could have the lost confused souls who believe that the welfare office masquerading as a Social Security office still exists might become a roommate. Scary! Davis isn't bad but that part is. Ever thought about Craigslist? Apartments get rented there in two seconds flat... Now go get some novocaine for the soul!