
Sunday, July 29, 2012


Today for the first time in a while I actually feel good about running.  I finally put in 14 (15 including the mile that I ran to go pick up my bike) and I finally know that in 10 weeks I will be running Chicago (I thank my running team for reminding me about this).  I was going to post a blog about my training and how it is preparing me for Chicago but tonight I got probably the most important message that was a wake up call about who I am.  It is a good letter so don't take what I say as a negative:

When I say "your are amazing" I really mean it. I started running with TMIRCE in January and right away your were warm, friendly, supportive, kind, amazing.... you are a credit to TMIRCE and I see all you super funny posts and the tremendous you effort you put in to makeing fun and inclusive events, and it really makes me feel good to be running with TMIRCE. When I saw you at the track I was very happy because it reminded me of all the great things about running with this group of people. When I first started running with TMIRCE my play list was dominated by songs that were themed "I will destroy you" (Ex. 99 Bottles by Slaine) but then, after a couple weeks it changed to "you can't control me" (Ex Wake Up by Rage Against the Machine). And then I started to connect with people and the songs became about "I forgive you" (Ex. One Sunday Morning by Wilco) and now today the songs are mostly "I love you" (ex On Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz). Its clearly the wonderful people of TMIRCE that have created that transformation and I see you as primary example of the group. So I know this message may seem strange, as we do not talk all that much, but I wanted you know that all the nice, friendly kinds things you do not go unnoticed and they actually mean a lot to a guy like me who just shows up at the club one day because I decided it was time to start running. Today I ran my second 10 miler and I don't think I would have gotten this far without club members like you. So I really just wanted to say; George, you are amazing AND thanks!

See, I told you it wasn't that bad but looking at things I tend to blame myself for a lot of things I have no control over.  I've almost made myself the sacrificial guinea pig several times for no reason.  I even had the feeling that it was my fault that someone else hadn't come to one of the running clubs for a while and was intent on giving it up.  It isn't the first time I had felt it but reading this I realize that I might just be sacrificing myself for nothing and missing the chance to help someone else in the future.  However tonight I realize that I am important.  It isn't all about me but I know I add a lot to it and that is what matter.  I also realize how without running I would still be in a much darker place.  I would weigh a lot more than I do now and I would have a much darker outlook on life. I also understand the musical part of this message to me.  Most of my blogs do have a song at the end of them.  At times it is easy to speak in music.  For the past week the song "Reunion" from M83 has been on repeat for the past week.  I can't stop listening to it.  For you my friend I hope there is a Reunion with us soon.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Somehow I lucked out!

So a week and a half ago I got the room filled by a couple of friends of mine.  He saw the ad and immediately called in the meantime let's talk about the ones who called and who wouldn't be allowed to live here:

Caller one at 9:43 am Saturday morning:

Caller- "Whu whu whu let me tell you a little more about myself I go to school in Sullivan Square (the armpit of Somerville) and I need somewhere closer to school there. Would I be covering all the utilities?"

Me- "yes"

Caller- "I saw where I would have to pay first and last up front but I only get $733 a month from Social Security disability.  Bu bu bu but I also get food stamps"

Me- *click*

Caller two later in the afternoon:

" I really like the place and I want to go ahead and rent it.  I only plan on staying until December and I won't be up there until September 1"

Me- "Yes, I have never met you and that would be awesome.  I so look forward to doing this again at Christmas!" *Sarcasm*

Email from Sunday:

"George: Stopped by the say "hi"
Everything unlocked and open but no one at home.
Medford is in a retro time warp, I'm convinced."

What does "Stopped by the say "hi"' mean?

Sorry but the verbal agreement has been done in the back yard.  New roommates as of September 1 complete!  BOOM!!!

P.S.  Medford is 1984 and it is fact!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Five ways of not becoming my roommate!

So September 1st is around the corner and I will hopefully have a roommate by then. What I am worried about is the amount of idiots that will come through that will give me more stories than I will remember to write. Here are five types of offenders who will not be my roommate regardless:

1. You can't call or write for yourself- You are going to be living here. Your mom, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend, aunt, uncle, godfather, caretaker, or life-care proxy are not. Sorry, but I have ran into this problem before. Also, I'm willing to go into a little more details in step 2. However, here is my main point: You should be a Grown-Ass Man or Woman! I am and I should expect nothing less from you!

2. You want to tell me about your horrible previous living experience was- When I had lived in East Somerville three years ago I had an older gentleman call me for his "friend's son". This son had a problem with a roommate he was living with whom had alcohol problems. Not only that but this roommate got sick and would throw up constantly. Eleven months later I was looking for a new apartment because this roommate(the "friend's son") was smoking pot every day. After I had moved out six months later I needed to use the desktop computer that I graciously let this roommate("friend's son") use prior in the previous apartment. I come to find out that craigslist casual encounters male for male and (place a d in the blank spots and even go back to the older gentleman part of this line if needed) were two websites that pulled up constantly from the user history. What was I told this computer was being used for?: Schoolwork. Yep, not falling for that one again!

3. Smoking is smoking no matter what you are smoking- I'm not living with a smoker of any kind. I don't care if it is regular cigarettes, pencil shavings, crack, pcp, daisies, or marijuana. It is still smoking! This is mainly for those who smoke marijuana. I don't dislike you but it is not my thing and I am not a fan of any part of my house smelling like it. I don't smoke it and I am not looking for someone who does (unless you never have it or smoke it in the house). Besides, You would be best served to live with four other roommates who do it instead (in most cases).

4. You refuse to read the ad and have stupid questions - There are going to be certain things that are going to be listed in the ad which are not going to change. These things include:

 Rent price
 Utilities not included in rent price
 Need of first and last months rent
 Tenancy at will

So when I get questions of:

 Can you drop the price of rent?
 Can you included utilities?
 Can I Smoke pot? It's not cigarettes.

The answer is NO and you can't move in!

5. You can't afford it - This is pretty simple but there are a lot of times where this quote comes into play: "Well, I don't have the full amount that you are asking for first and last but I can get it to you next week." 

Also here is another example: "I mean all these utilities are in my name, can't you take one of them?" (Note that I am the one that sends off a full rent check to the landlord so the amount of the rent check to myself would be your amount of the rent minus half of what the utilities cost).

Both of the statements usually are saying, "I don't have my shit together and I am constantly late on payments I owe if I even decide to make those payments." In hindsight if you fall into any or in about 50% of cases that involve bad roommates you would fall into all of these then you can't live here. I'm not letting you burn down the house.

Monday, May 21, 2012

....and the sun sets.

After running the Harpoon 5 miler and spending several hours on the porch I realized that it was coming close to sundown.  I had come to the realization that I wanted to see the sun set on Spy Pond in Arlington. I've been noticing that there are several people in my live that are moving on to fulfill their dreams in different places.  It is somewhat of a sad moment for me but I have seen other suns set which I've woke to see a new sunrise again.  There are certain things that I have to say to certain people and I must not have fear.  I must not have fear because I have to escape this limbo.  That is my state at the moment.  It's no fun.  I don't know what changes will happen between now and Chicago but they will happen and I have to accept them.  There will be a lot of sunsets at this point.  However, I am not for sure if I will chase all of them.  Some of them strangers will push me to go faster but I can't always expect that.  Sometimes I will need to find that voice that was there with me from mile 19 to 20 of the Eastern States.

Right now my objective is to be courageous and not be afraid of the water.  Right now it's time and everything happens in it right time.  I need to catch the sun.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Pain and Rest

I've officially come to it.  I realize that I need to take a little time off from running.

Too long?  No but enough to get back into the shape of things.  It hit me yesterday afternoon that I am limping and have been doing so for the past few weeks for about 50% of the time.

Chicago (Part 1)

Some of you may know that my very first run of the year was 10 miles. Ironically what no one knows that last year I never did a run that equaled 10 miles for the full year of 2011. This year I've done 26.2 but not so officially. Well October 9th I get my chance to do it officially in Chicago. Chicago has a lot of meaning to me in so many weird ways. I feel like I grew up with WGN though I grew up in South Carolina. I always wanted to be on the bucket game with Bozo the Clown. The Cubs were my second favorite baseball team. I always wanted to go there and when I was making a list of places to move it was on the top of my list. So Alas Chicago has a place in my heart. I have completed Boston. I made it more of a fun experience. I know that now it is time to be serious. I need to work on myself much harder than I have before. I know I need to lose around 20-25 lbs. Where there was only one 20 mile run there will now be three. Where my training for Boston started on January 1 my training for for Chicago will start in June and go right through the summer. If you ask my parents I've been running too much (maybe) and drinking too much beer. Maybe I should go ahead and cut out some of the beer. Summer heat may also allow me to lose a little bit of weight as well. We'll see. The hotel room for a few days is set but maybe I should ask friends if I can couch surf for a couple of extra days to enjoy the experience. I also need to get the plane ticket but for right now I have a one month rest period where I should enjoy the smaller races in life. The 5k and 10k races. Enjoy them because the road over the summer will be longer!