
Monday, November 28, 2011

A Reason!

I was going to post on how I would love to just beat the fool to a pulp who stole the wheel off my bike. How I would like to just shatter his knee caps and give him a couple of thousand swift kicks to the hurtful parts! This happened Saturday night. Sunday around 11:30 I walked my one wheeled bike all the way to Davis Square in Somerville from Medford. My plan was to go to Bike Boom and see if they have a new wheel. Place opens at 10am per their website. Get there at around noon and they are not open until 2 pm. I walk it further to Wheelworks. $90 later and I have a new wheel on my bike. Being pissed about things I was informed by the guy who fixed my bike that they didn't break into my apartment and steal my bike and records. Yeah that didn't happen but it doesn't bring my wheel back. I mean I got to pet the sweetest sad eyed puppy dog I ever seen but still I walked a mile and a half with my one wheeled bike before fixing it.

On Monday, I ended up in Boston Brewin Coffee and ended up bring up the story about my bike. He said that sometimes things happen for a reason. The wheel could have popped on my way somewhere else. Also the person who stole it could have done something good and was able to bike to someone to save their life. I realize it isn't so bad after all.

I also realize I could also be in a worse spot. I could be just like a person from High School who keeps posting on facebook the status of her homelessness and no one to help her. It's truly sad but I wouldn't know how to help a thousand miles away. But then again this could be something to where she will do something with it and help someone else out later in life.

Is this guaranteed?


But even with most agnostic and atheist people I've met who in the end think that there is nothing at the end of the rainbow, They for the most part believe this.

There is a reason that I saw that someone else was keeping their mustache for a week for $25. I said this was a great idea and emailed all my friends last night. I'm now stuck with the stache until Mid-January at least!

So every day I have to look at the way things happens at least until the sky starts falling!

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